// SEPTEMBER 6 - 20

Wander is a showcase of landscape photography by David Armour, a photographer based in Edinburgh. The exhibition features 12 works shot over the last year with a focus on the themes of solitude and isolation, looking at how we interpret each in any given scenario and why images, places and time can interact with our feelings of safety and security when exploring the visceral and charged landscapes of the Highlands and Islands.

Join us for the opening reception on Friday 6 September, from 6-9PM.


David Armour is a photographer and artist based in Edinburgh. Starting off in early 2023, his work focusses on rugged coastal scenery, deep forests and craggy mountain-tops. Using analogue mediums and a variety of film formats, the purpose is always to provide a feeling of isolation and solitude with a keen interest in where the two intersect. More recently, he has developed an interest in street photography with a focus on transport and architecture.

Last year he developed his first zine 'The Border one' following his initial immersion into landscape photography during a visit to the Faroe Islands. The Border one encompasses works from the Faroes and from Scotland, taking in the respective countries' awesome beauty, powerful coastlines and rugged backdrops.

David's first exhibition is a collection of landscape photography, shot over the past six to nine months, in a contrast of colour and black and white images from around the country (usually during his favourite pastime of hillwalking). The exhibition, as well as some other work from this time is included in his new zine and a portfolio of landscape and street photography is available online.

Opening Event

6th September, 6-9pm

  • Venue

    Agitate/6 William Street

  • Address

    6 William Street, Edinburgh, UK

  • Website