Cinetopia:DOC presents a very special preview screening of Paul Sng's latest film, TISH, at the Cameo Cinema on 2nd November at 6.30 pm in Edinburgh.
TISH is a moving portrait of social documentary photographer and trailblazer, Tish Murtha, who dedicated her life to documenting the lives of working-class communities in North East England.
The film will be followed by a Q&A with the director, Paul Sng, and moderated by Dani Carlaw from Screen Scotland. There will be space for discussion and networking at the Cameo bar afterwards.
More information and ticket links available on our website (
Cinetopia: DOC is a programme strand entirely dedicated to documentary film and is run by @cinetopiahub in collaboration and with the support of the Scottish Documentary Institute (@scottishdocinstitute). Cinetopia: DOC is also supported by Film Hub Scotland (@filmhubscotland), part of the BFI’s Film Audience Network, and funded by Screen Scotland and National Lottery funding from the BFI.
We’re really looking forward to our new and updated doc club programme in our new venue, Cameo Cinema. We hope you’ll join us for this very exciting preview film event!
Cameo Cinema
38 Home Street, Edinburgh, UK