21 Oct 2023 - 27 Jan 2024

This major exhibition of Simon Murphy’s photographic document 'Govanhill' brings together his long term project of a place in the Southside of the City of Glasgow – a local place which is truly international in the demographics of those who live there.

Simon has been documenting people in this locality for several years with the resulting images giving an insight into one of Scotland's most diverse areas. Govanhill is a point of arrival for many. Traditionally it has been a place where immigrants arrive in Glasgow and often move on from. It is estimated that 88 languages are spoken in the densely populated area of only 0.33 square miles. It's a mixing pot of cultures and ethnicities. These differences have contributed to tension within the community but also make Govanhill one of the most diverse and exciting places in the city. Simon’s project consists mainly of street portraiture of individuals who live and pass through the area.

Simon has collaborated with Street Level in two window exhibition trails during restrictions in 2020 and 2021 and over the past three years, work from the series has featured in publications ranging from the British Journal of Photography, Black and White Photography magazine, Huck magazine and has been selected as winning work in the Portrait of Britain, Portrait of Humanity and the Bartur Photography Awards. The project has been shot on black and white film with a medium format camera as the quality and camera operation fits well with the photographer’s process and communication style.

The Street Level exhibition will feature work from the main project 'Govanhill' and work from a smaller project “Govanhill 100 rolls”. Simon was awarded a grant from the “Film Photo Award” of 100 rolls of Kodak Tri X film. From July 2022 to May 2023 Simon captured 100 new portraits which will be exhibited for the first time.

Image Caption

© Simon Murphy

Opening Event

20th October, 5pm

  • Venue

    Street Level Photoworks

  • Address

    Street Level Photoworks, 103 Trongate, Glasgow, UK

  • Phone Number

    0141 552 2151

  • Website