The fifth session (and the last of the season!) of the Edinburgh Photobook Club will take place in the Art & Design Library at Edinburgh Central Library on Wednesday June 20 from 6:00pm to 7:50pm.

During this session, we'll be looking at how photographs and words interplay in the space of the photobook. Do they contradict each other? Are the texts necessary? Does the photographer use words in the pictures? How are the texts graphically designed (layout, fonts, colour)? If there's a foreword, is it essential or just something that you usually can't be bothered reading? Why did the photographer choose that title for his/her project?

Participants are asked to bring their own photobook. Otherwise, there's a wide selection to choose from at the Art & Design Library.

At the beginning of the session, we’ll take 10-15 minutes to look through the selection of books. This will allow everyone to have an idea of the content of the books that will be discussed.

Hosts : Alan Eglinton (independent photographer) and Alex Hall (student in photography at ECA)

Maximum number of participants : 15 (Subject to availability)

Free event

For inscriptions, RSVP :

Image Caption

Jim Goldberg, “Open See“, Steidl, 2009

  • Venue

    Edinburgh Central Library

  • Address

    7-9 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EG

  • Website