In a wee nod to Scottish summers and the ‘Taps Aff’ mantra, we'll be taking the caps off our cameras and shooting a roll of film (come rain or shine) on the 21 June. The 21st is the Summer solstic, the longest day of the year, and in theory the perfect day to get out and chase the light. A selection of these images will be exhibited from participating artists, and shown in the space that the film started off… a circular orbit of analogue snaps, making the most of whatever sun we get.


Miriam Morris (exhibition organiser)
Mert Kece
Matteo Crawford
Louise Maher
Joe Seal
Christina Webber
Jaime Molina

  • Venue


  • Address

    20 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5JZ, UK

  • Website