"Back Doon the Watter" began as a follow up to Mandy Edwards' previous project on lockdown in West Kilbride, focused on the return of the traditional holiday along the Clyde Riviera. However, the more she travelled and photographed, the more she appreciated that the love of going Doon the Watter never went away, and never will. The project, then, is a celebration of the west coast and our enduring joy in all the elements that make it so special to us. It's something that's woven into the fabric of all our lives, and that's what we hope the work shows. The full exhibition, comprising contemporary images captured by Mandy, archival images, and soundscapes , will be shown at the Garrison House, Millport

Image Caption

© Mandy Edwards

Opening Event

Meet the Artist - 1st September, 2-4pm

  • Venue

    Garrison House

  • Address

    2 College Street, Millport, Isle of Cumbrae KA28 0DH, UK

  • Website