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Analogue Street Photography by Mike Stone
Learn how to load and shoot with a 35mm film camera. Introduce the techniques of street photography and then process your film by hand. Suitable for all, from complete beginners to experienced photographers looking tovrefresh their skills.
Participants can arrive with nothing (but if you have your own 35mm camera please
bring it along). You will leave with the confidence to tackle street shooting, a roll of
processed B&W Film and your favourite frames ready to share. All materials and chemistry supplied in Makes Dark Room, and we have a range of SLR and Rangefinder cameras we can lend you.
Plan for the day:
• Loading and handling a mechanical film camera
• How to set exposure by eye
• Shoot a roll of black & white film during a guided photowalk
• Coffee
• Introduction to black & white chemistry
• Learn how to load a film onto a reel in a daylight processing tank
• Time and process a roll of film by hand
• Lunch
• Dry and cut the negatives
• Use a lightbox and smartphone to convert images for social media
• Q&A and showcase of the days images
Last workshop sold out instantly, limited spaces left!
Remember to check out our other workshops in darkroom printing and advanced
"Mike is such a patient course facilitator and really passionate about his subject
manner. He made analogue photography seem so accessible and easy, completely
demystifying many aspects of the processes involved and keenly answering
questions" Ceylan
" Great workshop, very informative and well thought out" Zara
MAKE by Narture Studios
30 Newmarket St, Ayr, UK