Submit: Visual Arts Scotland: Graduate Showcase 2020

Every summer Visual Arts Scotland visit degree shows around Scotland. We look for emerging artists and designers whose work best exemplifies the fresh and dynamic approach to contemporary applied and fine arts which Visual Arts Scotland seeks to support. From the vast range of talent on offer we select aspiring artists who will form our annual Graduate Showcase.

This year, sadly, degree shows across Scotland will not be going ahead due to the COVID 19, with some available online only. We feel strongly as a society that this should not mean our upcoming and emerging talent is denied a chance to show as part of our annual exhibition. The VAS Graduate Showcase 2020 will go ahead! We invite Scotland’s graduating Art & Design students to submit their work via the OESS submission portal for consideration.

If you are a Graduating Art & Design student at any Scottish College, University or Art School, we invite you to submit up to six artwork images, detail images and accompanying information.

If chosen for our annual Graduate Showcase, you will receive a free one year associate membership to VAS and be exhibited as part of the Annual Visual Arts Scotland Exhibition in 2021.

Open For Entry: 7th May 2020
Entry Deadline: 20th June 2020, Midnight
Notification: 5th July 2020

Please submit your work for consideration here:

Image Credit: Brandon Logan, Graduate Showcase Finalist 2019