‘Return, O Backsliding Children’ is a multimedia based collaborative project that explores each participant's connection to crime and how it has indirectly and or directly affected their way of life. The intent is to spark conversations on themes such as people, place, crime, trauma, ethics/representation, poverty, social class, identity, and memory which all have a part to play in the way the Greater Glasgow community is perceived.

The exhibition is part of The Glasgow Art Club's, 'The Art of Photography' group exhibit. The opening night is on Friday 9th December 2022 and will commence at 6pm which all are welcome to attend. Sofia Conti will be at the opening so please come along to view and discuss the work further. The venue is based in the heart of the city at 185 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HU and is free to everyone.

Opening Event

Friday 9th December at 6pm

  • Venue

    The Glasgow Art Club

  • Address

    185 Bath Street, Glasgow, UK

  • Phone Number

    0141 248 5210

  • Website