This is a fantastic image from Colin Gray’s long term project with his parents. His mother Rene is
pretending to swim and his father Ron is wearing a snorkel – If you look closely there are a lot of
clues that refer to the title Hull Under Water.
We thought it might be fun to use this as inspiration for you to re-create this image at home,
considering how you might make it refer to your area or family background. If you are doing it
alone – how might you represent people in your life – family or friends – that you are separated
from right now?
Perhaps you could try and incorporate symbols that reference the current lock down and global
pandemic? Maybe the above and below the waterline could refer to emotions – the gap between
how you interact with others and feelings that bubble below the surface, or it could represent life
as we knew it and life now.
Colin used cling film in this image to represent the water – we encourage you to create your
image with materials and objects you have at home (no shopping for this) and if you do use any
plastics – try recycle them afterwards. If undertaking this with children please ensure they are
supervised when working with any plastic material.
We will be sharing a selection of submissions on our social media channels – you can tag us on
instagram @streetlevelphotoworks or email
We look forward to seeing what you come up with. Get creative, have fun and stay safe!