As part of research for future issues, Source Photographic Review will be organising in-person and zoom meetings with photographers to look at their new photographic work. Each meeting provides an opportunity to introduce new work directly to one of the editors. This is one of the ways Source finds new work for publication in the Portfolio section of the magazine. Meetings will take place in Dublin, Belfast and via Zoom. There is no fee to submit or attend.
If you are interested in attending one of this year’s Research Meetings you should email a PDF or Powerpoint with up to 10 images and – contained within it – up to three paragraphs of text that give a background to your new work along with your name, contact phone number and web address. Files must be no more than 30 MB.
* In the subject line of the email please specify which date/location you’d like to attend: Dublin, Belfast or Zoom *
Email submissions to:
research@source.ieSubmission deadline: Friday 1st March 2024.
Research Meeting Dates/Locations:
Photo Museum Ireland, Dublin (open to anyone in Ireland) – 29th March 2024. (In partnership with Photo Museum Ireland.)
Source office, Belfast (open to anyone in Northern Ireland) – 30th March 2024.
By Zoom (open to anyone from UK or Ireland) – 5th April 2024.
We will acknowledge all submissions by email. We will shortlist submissions and then let everyone know our decisions by email. We will meet 8 people each day for 30 minutes to discuss new projects.
What are we looking for?
Source publishes a wide range of material – samples of previously published work can be viewed in the online archive. We are looking for new, previously unpublished bodies of photographic work (unpublished can include artist’s books in editions of less than 200 or a few images published elsewhere). To give us focus, Source only publishes work made in the UK or Ireland – or by photographers from the UK or Ireland – on its portfolio pages. International work is covered through our book and exhibition reviews.
Find out more: Source editor John Duncan speaking with photographer John Rogers