Since their introduction, instant film formats have lent themselves to artists’ mixed media experimentation, the immediacy allowing for a quick idea to be realised.
INSTANT is an online exhibition of unique lens-based work by SSA artists encompassing all that is realised in the moment.
We are seeking work made by SSA members using lens-based media, primarily work using instant film, mixed-media and/or alternative processes in the creation of “one-off” pieces – Instax, Polaroid, wet plate collodion, camera-less prints, all darkroom work – alternative, analogue, antique printing. We want to see it all!
It could be argued that any still image made with lens-based media photographic technologies captures an instant.
The title ‘INSTANT’ can be interpreted by lens-based artists as a traditional theme, but is designed to attract entries from mixed-media / lens-based artists working with and beyond instant film formats and including a range of “antique” still-image technologies.
The personal practice of both the curators, Sarah Kudirka and Alastair Cook, is analogue, and focused on the image as artefact in how they make art. The use of digital photography processes or manipulation will not be a bar to entry.
Entry deadline: Sunday 30 May 2021, midnight
Image: Anne Brodie SSA, Contagion Hands, 2020, Instax mini and tipex, 8.5 x 5.4cm each