Please consider sending us your prose/essays, poems, images and artwork about Geopoetics generally and on the theme a sense of place, of belonging to a place and memories of place – duthchas in Gaelic.
Deadline: Friday 31 January 2021
These can be previously published except for the essays. If you submitted work for Stravaig#8 you do not need to submit it again.
Please email them to <>.
- Essays/prose must be under 4,000 words attached as a separate Word document. We cannot accept PDFs. Up to 6 images (jpegs only) to accompany them are very welcome.
- Up to 3 poems attached as a separate Word document (3 pages max) may be submitted. No PDFs will be accepted.
- Up to 4 images and artwork (4 pages max) should be submitted as jpeg attachments, no bigger than 2 MB in the first instance.
- A mini-bio in a Word document (maximum 90 words) should accompany your submission.
- All submissions should be titled with author’s/artist’s name and title of piece. Eg. [Your Name]_[Title of Piece].
We regret that submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines cannot be considered and that we are unable to pay contributors.
The editors are Norman Bissell, Ullrich Kockel, Callum Sutherland, Caroline Watson and James Murray-White. Their decision is final on all submissions.
If you haven’t heard back from us by 1 June 2021, you should assume that your submission has not been successful on this occasion. Unfortunately, it’s not possible for us to notify everyone who submits their work or give feedback on it but we do read all work submitted.
Image © Rebirth 3 by Norman Bissell from Stravaig #8