If you ever needed more reasons to visit the Isle of Lewis; We share the thoughts and feedback from recent Island Darkroom resident, Kit Martin, with words taken from the Island Darkroom website.
“I thoroughly enjoyed being an artist in residence at Island Darkroom in March. It allowed me time and space to explore underused equipment and research a new project.
One of my aims was to use my Intrepid 5×4 camera daily, to become more familiar with it and with what I want to use it for. I had a bit of a knock on day two when a strong gust of wind blew it over, but luckily the damage was repairable and the lens only dented. There is a fair amount of fiddling and adjusting, loading and unloading, for each exposure with a 5×4 camera and it was cold, so for Intrepid outings I jumped in my trusty hire car to see what inspired me and soon found myself drawn to derelict buildings. I saw these as both a glimpse into the island’s past and more simply as shapes (sculptures) in the landscape. “
Read more on the Island Darkroom Artist Blog..