Apply: CONTACT | Stills School (16-25 yr olds)

Applications are now open for CONTACT, the first stage of Stills School, an alternative photography school for 16-25 year olds who face barriers to accessing the arts.

Stills School is an alternative photography school for 16-25 year olds who face barriers to accessing the arts. The school is free of charge. All materials and equipment are provided, and we can cover travel expenses too. You don’t need any experience in making photographs, just a passion for photography.

What will you get out of the course?

You’ll get the opportunity to work towards creating a ‘finished’ body of photographic work and be equipped with the tools to help you further develop your practice. Not only will you have the support of Stills expert tutors, but as a peer group you will help each other articulate your ideas and benefit from the time and structure to turn your creative ideas into a physical thing – be it a series of prints or a zine for example. Most of all it will be a relaxed and pressure free environment to enjoy playing with photography.

If you want to hear about application dates, ask us a question or find out if this is the right thing for you give us a call, send an email or arrange to pop in and have a look around.

0131 622 6200

Visit the website for more info.